
Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's been a long time...

Well, I haven't made any posts for a while. Not because there hasn't been anything to write about, but because I'm suffering from extreme exhaustion!!! This pregnancy has me soooo tired! Thankfully my husband is awesome and really going the extra mile and picking up my slack, and my kids are beyond understanding! I take naps EVERY DAY!!! If it weren't for Heath my house would surely only be suitable for swine habitation. Pure insanity. And then all of a sudden out of nowhere I get a burst of energy and feel great, so I go pull weeds for half and hour or do a load of laundry, or sweep my floors, or stand up....and I'm exhausted all over again! So needless to say blogging hasn't been at the top of my to do list. But life is going on wonderfully here. Spring is arriving a little more every day and that has me thrilled. We go out every day and look for signs of spring that weren't there yesterday! And our vacation is scheduled for just a little over 9 weeks away, so thoughts of vacation are beginning to consume me. There is sooo much to do with spring cleaning and vacation coming and the daily life of homeschooling and park trips and library trips and SO VERY LITTLE ENERGY! But I'm so excited and visions of babies swirl through my head and our family talks about "baby little" all throughout the day. And life is very good on the Newcomb home front....

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