
Monday, February 7, 2011


The children and I had a bunch of firsts the other day. It was their first time sledding. I didn't do that because of my huge pregnant condition. They really liked it. And then we all had our first time being pulled around on a tractor inner tube. I did that one, they went slow and it wasn't too bouncy. Then we all went up the hill and slid down on the inner tube. It could hold 4 people at a time so that was even more fun than sledding and it wasn't very bouncy so I was included. The strange thing was that I kept getting sweaty! It was 37 degrees but I must have overdressed. For us Florida people that was a bunch of firsts. We had fun. We tried to make a snowman but it wound up looking more like the Washington Monument. I just don't feel much like bending over these days. It takes real effort.

I have to go to a gestational diabetes specialist tomorrow. That's another first for me. The Doctor said that starting next week I will need to see him once a week, and go twice a week to the hospital to be monitored (I'm still not completely sure what that means...we'll see), and go to the specialist once a week. That's 4 Dr. visits a week! YIKES!! Maybe I will get lots of ultrasounds? I hope so. Apparently ges. diabetes ups your risk for stillbirths and C-sections. The Dr. said that every time my blood sugar gets high it's like pouring fertilizer on the baby. So they want to watch her closely and leave her in as long as possible but not let her get so big that a c-section is very likely. It's going to be a pain with us trying to renovate this duplex to live in and all, but it's only for a few weeks and the payoff will definitely be worth it. I still have about 6 weeks to go but I already can't wait to hold that sweet baby girl in my arms and not my belly! I am definitely the most impatient with this pregnancy. I'm sure it's because I can't eat any deliciousness and also because by the time she gets here we will be settled into our own home, which I CAN NOT wait for. Heath is painting and fixing it up as fast as he can but it sure doesn't feel very fast. It feels like we aren't accomplishing anything and the stuff we need to do is growing every day.

So frustrating.

So I'm praying that things start moving around here and that I don't go crazy waiting for everything to be accomplished.

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