Monday, February 22, 2010
Wrinkle Cream
The other day Heath and I had just woke up and we were still laying in bed. He began to rub his eyes vigorously. Something I certainly would never do! I wouldn't want to encourage wrinkles and sagging skin! Since turning 30 I have started applying wrinkle cream at night before bed. As I lay there I began to more closely examine his face. Heath is one year and three months older than me. He has some wrinkles around his eyes and on his forehead. Nothing noticeable but definitely there. Just like me. He continued rubbing is eyes stretching and pulling the delicate skin around them despite my warnings about premature aging. I secretly envy the liberty Heath takes with his skin. He rubs it any ole time he wants to! And he NEVER puts anything on it! No moisturizers, no masks, no exfoliating scrubs and NO WRINKLE CREAM!! Then it hit me, like a lightening bolt straight from Heaven. What if wrinkle creams don't work? I thought of my parents. My Mother uses wrinkle creams and my Daddy does nothing. They look about the same. The same goes for Heaths' parents, and my Grandparents, and my Great Grandparents, and almost everyone else I know! As a matter of fact I can't think of anyone who looks 10 years younger due to creams and "proper skin care". Holy Moly. What if my body just gets old despite bathing my skin it in nourishing and protecting creams? What if the wrinkle cream companies are just out to make a dime? What if when I'm 70 I look 70? Huh. Interesting (and grotesque) thoughts to wake up too. Guess what I did? I considered rubbing my eyes too...and throwing away my wrinkle cream. But I didn't. I got up out of bed, took my shower, applied my moisturizer and went about my day. When I retired that night I smoothed wrinkle cream over my face and neck. I guess some people never learn.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Well, I haven't made a post in quite a while. Mostly because I've been so busy!! But also because I've been busy doing stuff that isn't interesting enough to write about. But I will catch you up anyway. This week I have: gotten a haircut, taken the kids on a nature walk (see above pic) where they found some "amazing treasures" (rocks, leaves, a clump of moss, a pipe cleaner, a string of Easter grass, some branches, a bolt etc.), went to eat out with Chris, Jill, Nick and Jessie, broke out in an awful rash, went to Krispy Kreme, got a monstrous splinter, met Amandas' beautiful new baby girl and weeded my flower bed. So not too much blog worthy stuff, but a whole lot of stuff none-the-less! But hopefully I will do something in the near future that will inpire me to write witty and interesting stuff! Wish me luck!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Snowy Days in Florida!!!
A few days ago it snowed. This is a VERY big deal to us. We had several flurries and some sleet. It was supposed to stick here in Milton but it didn't. It did however stick a mere 30 minutes north of us! So we drove up to Brewton to play in the snow! It was so much fun! We made snowmen and had snowball fights and rolled snowballs and made snow angels! I think that if I lived somewhere where it snowed a lot that I would NEVER get tired of the snow.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Well, Heath wants me to start and additional blog. One where I talk about wifelyness (my own word for being a wife) and motherhood. I don't want too. All of my thoughts on these subjects are unorthodox and contraversial. Also I have a hard time just keeping up with this blog and my facebook! Do I really need another reason to sit in front of the computer? Another good reason for me not to do this is because all my thoughts can be found and explained in well written books. No one would have to suffer through my rabbit trailed ramblings. Also I only have two followers!! Heath and Melynda! I happen to know that these two people don't need to hear me preach about being a wife and mother! Sooooooo I am not starting a new blog. By the way, one of the things I happen to belive is that you are supposed to submit to your husband and do the things he asks of you, like starting a blog. Haha!! If I think of something I think the world (or Heath and Melynda) MUST know I will simply post it on this blog.
Valentines Day 2010
Well this has been a wonderful Valentines Day. The night before Heath took me out to La Hacienda and then to Target and let me buy lots of presents! (like fingernail polishes, soaps, eye cream, shampoos...what a luxury right? a new hair dryer and stuff like that. I REALLY love that kind of girly stuff.) And then at 1:30 in the morning we loaded up the kids (yes they were still awake) drove to Pensacola and bought two dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts. They were gone in less than twelve hours. On Valentiines day we slept late, cleaned the house and then went to eat hibachi with Chuck and Jill. We gave the kids their Valentine treats (a sticky hand, ball, bath fizzy, and sun catchers to paint each) and Nema brought them over Valentines Day balloons. My children gave me a pink snuggie and a candle that I love. Jake and Alex played with (and babysat) them while we were out. We came home and then Heath and I went for an hour long walk in the freezing cold. I told Heath that this was the best Valentines Day EVER!!! And it was.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Yesterday we had a great day. We went to Chuck E. Cheese Pizza and took our dog Quincy to the groomers. He hadn't been in forever. I forgot how cute he could be! When they led him out the children ooooood and aaaaaaaaad appropriately. I have to admit I was pretty stunned myself. Here are some before and after pics....well, a couple of more after ones than before. :D

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Luke had two things he REALLY wanted for Christmas. A red ball as big as a soccer ball or bigger, and some Groucho Marks glasses. I looked everywhere and couldn't find either one. But then Saturday we took a trip to the Dollar tree and just look what I found! Yay! The kids are wearing them all the time. Last night while Levi was dancing and wearing these and a ninja outfit Heath said, "It just never gets old does it?" He was reffering to our kids wearing these ridiculous glasses all the time. He's right. We laugh EVERY TIME!!! Also a friend of mine told me that they usually have plain red balls at Target. So the moral of this blog is....good things come to those who wait!
Friday, February 5, 2010
I made these awesome pink and purple cupcakes tonight! Londyn and I LOVE pink and purple cupcakes! They were strawberry with chocolate chips and cream cheese icing. YUMMY!!! It wasn't until after I colored the icing purple that I thought about how they were for 8 boys and two girls. Hmmmm....maybe I should have made them chocolate with blue icing....
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Full Bed
This is how our family sleeps. We have a 4 bedroom house with 5 beds in it. When we origionally bought the house we bought it with the intention of every kid having their own room. Luke got a bunk bed because they are just cool and also if anyone came over there would be an extra bed. But that's not how the kids like it. Sleeping in your own room by yourself is no fun. One night months and months ago Londyn dumped all of her toys out of her toybox and put her pillow, blanket, and teddy bear in it. She then came dragging her box through the living room. We asked what she was doing and she said, "I'm moving to Lukes' room". We thought it was cute so we let her do it. Luke liked it too. We all assumed it was just something she wanted to do for a few nights. A few nights later Levi showed up in there with his pillow and blanket. He felt left out of the nightly party. And that was a LOOOONG time ago. So they all sleep across the bottom bunk in Lukes' room...with the dog and the cat. (I don't even know when this started) You can see the cat is doing a great job of keeping Londyns' head warm. If Heath's grandma saw this pic she would swear that the cat is attempting to kill my little girl by "sucking the life out of her"! Poor Grandma, Heath and I never get tired of lauging at that. At least I never worry about my silly sleepers being cold!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Day 2
Today I woke up super early (6:50) to take Luke to the dentist. He needed to have his teeth cleaned. The dentist said one of his baby teeth was in the way of a tooth that needed to grow in, so if if Luke can't pull the tooth out in 2 weeks the dentist will. YIKES!!! Having perfectly good teeth snatched out of your head is no fun at all, so I keep telling him to wiggle his tooth all the time. It is barely even loose.
AND I got a nap. I can't even remember the last time I took a nap. I guess that's what happens when I get up super early to take Luke to the dentist. :)
We spent the rest of the day at home cooking, cleaning, playing. We ate supper and then snuggled up on the couch as a family and watched the best episode of the Duggars I have ever seen! The one with the new baby Josie. It made me cry. And now I am OVERFLOWING with thankfulness that all of my children (all of us for that matter) are healthy.
AND I got a nap. I can't even remember the last time I took a nap. I guess that's what happens when I get up super early to take Luke to the dentist. :)
We spent the rest of the day at home cooking, cleaning, playing. We ate supper and then snuggled up on the couch as a family and watched the best episode of the Duggars I have ever seen! The one with the new baby Josie. It made me cry. And now I am OVERFLOWING with thankfulness that all of my children (all of us for that matter) are healthy.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Eventful Day
Today Heath woke me up and told me he had bought something for me!!! What a fantastic way to wake up! I had REALLY needed a new can opener and he had bought me these!! In case you can't tell they are pink, and pink is my favorite color. He told me that my cooking was a blessing to our family and he wanted it to be a good experience for me!!! Awwwwwww!!!! It meant more to me than he knew. (I have a difficult time being my usual chipper self when I first wake up.) So that was awesome!
Then we went to the park and had fun, went to a different park because that is just the kind of party animals we are, went on a nature walk, went to the library and picked Heath up from work....and that was awesome too!
It was only when we got home that I realized that somewhere along the way I had lost our camera. No amount of backtracking did any good. That was NOT awesome. :(
But then we went to La Hacienda with Chris and he paid for our supper! Thanks Chris!!! Again awesome. And then Chris came over to visit. So all in all it was a great day...and if I hadn't lost my wonderful camera I would even use the word awesome. :)
Well, I tried blogging and felt very inadequate. I just couldn't think of anything to say!!!! (I see you now...shaking your head and raising your eyebrows in disbelief) But after poking around some blogs I've decided to try my hand at it again! I have seen that they don't have to be anything amazing, informative or hillarious, although I will do my best to make them that way! But they may also just be about the normal things that go on in my life on a daily basis. Like yesterday, I ate at La Hacienda.......TWICE!!!! Yep, I did. I'll try to keep the camera out because my favorite posts usually have a pic to go along with them. So here I go! I am going to try to make a post every day at least once a day until I get the hang of it!
Ther other day we were leaving the house and Londyn was walking in front of Heath but then she stopped at the door, turned to Heath (whow was behind her) and said, "Remember? Boys open the door for girls." Then she stood there and waited until he caught up and opened the door for her. Heath looked shocked and dismayed. I think it's a good sign! Heath tells the boys that a lot and obviously they are not the only ones listening.
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